Armen Saghatelyan's laboratory

Armen Saghatelyan, PhD
Principal Investigator
Armen is Canada Research Chair in postnatal neurogenesis (2005-2015).
He obtained his PhD in 2000 at University of Hamburg and after performing two postdoctoral trainings in France, established his lab au Université Laval in november 2005.

Marina obtained her PhD in 2002 at University of Nantes, France and performed the first postdoctoral training in France. She joined the lab in 2005 as the postdoctoral fellow and showed that neuronal precursors use blood vessels as a physical scaffold for migration and as a source of molecular factors. Since 2009 she is the research assistant in the lab.

Qian Li, PhD
Research Assistant
Qian obtained her PhD at University of Edinburgh, UK and joined the lab in september 2015. During her postdoctoral work in the lab (2015-2018), Qian studied stem cells located in the olfactory epithelium. Since 2019, Qian is a research assistant in the lab.

Sarah Malvaut, PhD
Postdoctoral fellow
Sarah joined the lab in january 2014 as a PhD student after completing her MSc at University Bordeaux Segalen, France.
During her PhD, Sarah was interested in the role of different subpopulations of interneurons in the adult olfactory bulb. Sarah graduated in 2019 and now performs imaging in freely behaving mice to understand the dynamics of neuronal development and function.

Cedric Bressan
Postdoctoral fellow
Cedric joined the lab in january 2014 after obtaining his MSc degree in Biological Engineering at Polytech-Clermont Ferrand, France.
During his PhD, Cedric studied the mechanisms controlling long-ranging migration of neuronal precursors, focusing on autophagy and energy consumption. Cedric is currently performing postdoctoral training in the lab.

Tiziano Siri
PhD student
Tiziano joined the lab in February 2018 after completing his MSc studies at University Roma Tre, Rome, Italy.
He is interested in the morpho-functional differences between early-born adult-born neurons in the olfactory bulb.

Vlad Stefan Constantinescu
PhD student
Vlad obtained my MSc degree from the University of Groningen (Netherlands).
He joined the lab in June 2019 with the interest of understanding the mechanisms of synaptic integration of adult-born neurons into already established neuronal networks of the olfactory bulb.

Aymeric Ferreira
PhD student
Aymeric joined the lab in 2019 after completing a MSc in chemical physics in Besançon, France and one of medical physics in Grenoble, France.
He works on the collaborative projects with Simon Hardy's lab and aims at reproducing the plasticity-induced structural modifications of dendritic spine by using computational modeling.

Alina Marymonchyk
PhD student
Alina joined the lab in November 2019 after completing MSc degree at Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia.
She aims at understanding how neural stem cells integrate and decode various environmental signals and in downstream targets which regulate the quiescence/active state transition.

Natija Aldib
PhD student
Natija joined our and Ayman ElAli’s labs in February 2020 after obtaining a MSc degree in behavioural neuroscience from the Lebanese University in Lebanon, and completing her degree with an advanced research training at Poitiers University, France. Natija is developing a project that aims at elucidating the potential of adult stem cells in neurovascular restoration after stroke.

Alumni (since 2014)

Delphine Hardy
PhD student
Delphine joined the lab in january 2012 after completing her MSc studies at University Paris Descartes, Paris, France
She is interested in the role of calretinin-expressing adult-born neurons in the olfactory bulb. She is currently doing postdoctarl studies in INMED, Marseille.

Archana Gengatharan
PhD student
Archana joined the lab in november 2011 after completing her MSc studies at Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France. Archana defended her PhD in 2018.
Archana's projects aimed at understanding in the physiology of adult stem cells.

Rodrigo Roberto Bammann, PhD
postdoctoral fellow
Rodrigo obtained his PhD at University of Leicester, UK and joined the lab in january 2015. He returned to England in february 2016. He performed calcium imaging in adult-born neurons.

Karen Bakhshetyan
PhD student
Karen joined the lab in january 2012 after obtaining his MSc degree at State Engineering University of Armenia.
Karen was interested in the migration and maturation of newborn cells in the adult olfactory bulb. He defended his PhD in 2017 and is now working at Doric Lenses.

Linda Suzanne David
MSc and PhD student
Linda joined the lab in 2007 as a MSc student. In 2009 she started her PhD that she completed in 2014. She studied the role of extracellular molecule in the adult and early postnatal neurogenesis in the olfactory bulb. She is now a postdoctoral fellow at Université Laval.

Vincent Breton-Provencher
MSc and PhD student
Vincent joined the lab in 2007, first as a MSc student and since 2009 as a PhD student. He studied the functional role of adult-born neurons, as well as how these cells mature and integrate into the bulbar network. He completed his studies in 2014. He is now a postdoctoral fellow at MIT.

Arthur Bagramyan
PhD student
Arthur obtained his MSc degree in Biophotonics at Université Laval. He started his PhD in january 2015.
Arthur aims at developing and testing new imaging tools.

Marcos Schaan Profes
PhD student
Marcos joined our and Martin Levesque's labs in october 2014 after obtaining his MSc degree at University of Coimbra, Portugal.
He aims at understanding the development of dopaminergic system. Marcos defended his PhD in 2019 and is now performing postdoctoral training at Albert Einstein College of Medicine.

Alessandra Pecora
MSc student
Alessandra joined the lab in January 2018 and completed her MSc in 2020.
Her studies aimed at understanding the mechanisms of neuronal precursors migration in neurodevelopmental disorders.